About Place2Give

We help North Americans fulfill their charitable ambitions.

Place2Give provides philanthropy giving tools to North American donors. A public foundation, P2G was established in 2012 with the mandate to help donors address complex social issues through venture philanthropy projects, unique giving experiences, multi-generational legacy planning.


Provide donors with the ability to make better, informed decisions about their charitable giving; facilitate innovative solutions to wicked societal problems and provide the tools and resources for vetted non-profits that provide research driven solutions.

Relationships, Innovation, Collaboration

Why Place2Give?

Why should I have a fund on Place2Give?

We believe that everyone can be a philanthropist. A charitable giving account with Place2Give allows you the opportunity to take the time you need to plan out your giving and tap into the knowledge and expertise of the philanthropy advisors and researchers that support all of our fund donors.

What makes Place2Give Stand out among DAF’s (Donor Advised Funds)?

Place2Give is the matchmaker between donors and charities. Much like dating, you need to know that the donor relationship is the right fit; matching passion, objectives, and values to the issues that are important to you. Place2Give focuses on the impact and the relationships with and between donors and charitable recipients. Our team reaches out to all charities that our donors support, or want to support, to get up-to-date information on funded projects and supports donors in finding the right top-tier charity to include in their giving portfolio. 

They assess impact in one of three ways: number of people or targeted issue supported (short-term), depth of change that occurred within an organization (capacity and operational effectiveness) or depth of change that has occurred within a system (multi-year, multi-layered funding projects).

What are the different ways I can support charities through P2G?

Unlike other foundations, we believe that funds should be deployed into the charitable sector in a reasonable time frame at a reasonable cost.  There are two types of funds at Place2Give – Endowments that are held for long periods of time, accruing interest in order to generate larger amounts of money out into the charitable sector over a longer period of time; and Flow-Throughs that allow for more period and short-term giving. In both cases, donors receive bespoke advising and support as well as reports on the social impact that their funds are having in the communities that they support and the issue areas that are being addressed.

How does a DAF (Donor Advised Funds) work?

Your philanthropy account is specifically designed to meet your charitable objectives. It is a very simple process. When you open an account with Place2Give Foundation you are contracting P2G to manage the back-end of all your philanthropic activities. For more information and the legal details of the P2G Gift Acceptance Policy please click here

Your fund will be given a public page on the Place2Give website and you can advise the Foundation on which registered charities in Canada you would like to support, or if you want to create a unique giving portfolio one of our staff can meet with you (and your family) to help guide you through what goes into a giving portfolio. Once your fund has been established you are good to go! You will be provided with a unique URL that you can share with your friends and family for them to support your favourite charities or you can keep it completely anonymous and direct your own resources into the fund. Either way your philanthropy account will be activated and funds disbursed as you instruct.

Place2Give can accept the donations in the form of:

  • Gifts of Cash including payments by credit cards, direct debit and cheques or money orders
  • Gifts of Publicly Listed Securities
  • Gifts of Privately Held Securities
  • Gifts of Life Insurance
  • Gifts of RRSP’s and  RRIF’s
  • Bequests by Will

We work with investment firms and financial institutions across Canada. Please visit our Partners section to see some of the firms we work with. We are also happy to meet with your portfolio manager to arrange adding them to our investment pool. All funds are ethically invested and are balanced.

Our Team

Gena Rotstein

Gena Rotstein

Founder & Executive Director

Heather Isidoro

Heather Isidoro

Marketing & Communications Manager

Eleanor Reimer

Eleanor Reimer


Our Board

Gena Rotstein

Gena Rotstein

Founder & Executive Director

Richard Ouellette

Richard Ouellette


David Barach

David Barach


 Alfy Klein

Alfy Klein


Important Documents 

Our Partners

Wider Sense
Maytree Foundation blue logo
Maytree Foundation blue logo
TD Foundation
Maytree Foundation blue logo
TD Foundation
Maytree Foundation blue logo
Parks Foundation Calgary
RBC Foundation logo
RBC Foundation logo
Maytree Foundation blue logo
Parks Foundation Calgary
Parks Foundation Calgary
Viewpoint Foundation
Parks Foundation Calgary

Financial Firms

Working with financial institutions from Coast to Coast
Maytree Foundation blue logo
RBC Foundation logo
RBC Foundation logo

Do you want to join our network? Check out our services for financial advisors.