Fichtner Fund

Supporting organizations in Calgary and Western Canada in the performing and visual arts, museums, research and social services.

close in shot of a hands on a piano keyboard with microphone

Photo by Caleb Oquendo

Funds will be used to help improve operational efficiencies of arts-based organizations so that they can increase their market share, support marginalized populations to access arts and cultural experiences as well as develop unique experiences around Canada's music industry. Working with local umbrella arts organizations, funding decisions are made to meet the areas of greatest need within that community.

Social services funding supports organizations addressing Domestic Violence, Social Justice, and Women's Rights.

Research funding is being directed towards Post-Secondary institutions around Physical Literacy and Physical Wellness.

Museum funding is project specific and varies from general operations to programming.

MicroFoundation Breakdown

Arts & Culture Fund

Fichtner Family Bursary - supporting musicians post COVID in partnership with the Foundation of the Family

Audio/Visual Experience - supporting the National Music Centre

Supporting Artists - supporting the advancement of Canada's place in the performing arts sector globally through unique events with Honens and other performing arts organizations


Social Services

North West Leaf - Legal supports for marginalized individuals

Dress for Success Vancouver - Women empowerment and support


Post Secondary

University of Calgary - Physical Literacy: closing the “know-do gap” – the gap between what we
currently know regarding the value of physical literacy and activity for lifelong health and mobility and what
is currently being practiced.


Canadian Museum for Human Rights

National Music Centre

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Donation Total: $50.00 One Time